Skin Care

Take it off! The Makeup Eraser

Consistent use of organic beauty products on my skin has made it glowing and healthy looking, giving me the confidence to wear makeup or not. One thing that I love about using non-toxic products is that my skin has cleared up so much that I can leave the house after only applying my favorite moisturizer! Even wearing makeup is now more enjoyable because my skin is healthier underneath it


Now that I get to choose when I wear makeup, I am much more picky about the products I use. The great news is that most ingredients in green beauty products are safe, gentle, and even good for the skin, and removing makeup is so much easier. Say goodbye to mascara and eyeliner that won’t come off and waking up to find black smudges around your eyes the next morning! I was always bothered by oily eye makeup removers that irritated my eyes. I also went through tons of makeup removing wipes each month and  it was really just costing me too much. I was always looking for an alternative solution to save me money and time, along with being eco-friendly.


I discovered the Makeup Eraser at Costco one day when shopping. I had never heard of this product before, but it was perfect! Not only does it remove makeup with just water, but you also can use it a few times before throwing it in the wash! This was the answer to all my struggles: no more oily eye makeup remover for me. The Makeup Eraser takes off makeup with a couple wipes over  the face, and it makes my skin feels clean and refreshed! Just add water and go! 


To Purchase The Makeup Eraser:

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