
Love Yourself 2020

New Year, New You! If there is anything I’ve learned about in 2019 it was self care, self help, loving myself, and even dating myself! 2019 served lots of personal and professional challenges that caused me to seriously fight  with my self esteem. I questioned where my life was going and even lost a few friendships along the way. 


In 2020 I plan to do more of this self healing and self loving, but this time with my new hubby! As a newlywed, I’d like to continue doing what I was doing but sharing that lifestyle with the hubs. Often when life got hard in 2019, I’d turn to bubble baths, spas, mini trips, long walks around town or parks, or even taking myself out to the movies or lunch solo! I learned a lot about myself, and I learned to unplug from the world at times because life is better when I just live in the moment. 


Taking time to unwind helped my self esteem, and it helped me understand that the world really isn’t that bad, it’s what you make of it. One day in particular, during the busy time of wedding planning, sticks out most in my mind. I had just received bad news from a family member, and a vender I was working with had also called with bad news. Ironically, I had been having a great day up until those 2 calls and was parking my car heading to my massage appointment. Being all upset, I got into a car accident because I wasn’t living in the moment, I was thinking about WHY this was happening and not understanding any of it. I got out of the car and decided to be thankful I wasn’t hurt, and my car wasn’t that badly damaged — I had run into an underground garage pole.  Since that day, I don’t let little things get to me, because it’s truly not worth it. I spend more time away from the phone, more time with family and friends, and try my best to be living in the moment and spending time with myself and really enjoying life so much more. So, when life gets crazy, stop and breathe. Learn to love your mistakes, grow, and be true to yourself.


Here are some self care ideas for 2020 — hopefully these inspire you!

-Head to LUSH Cosmetics and splurge on a few bath bombs, save them for random nights or special nights!

-Head to a local shopping mall and grab your favorite coffee and window shop – it’s so therapeutic!

-Get a mani pedi! I used to never be able to go alone, but its soooo relaxing!

-Download your favorite app to help you sleep at night: I love CALM, ANDREW JOHNSON, and ASMR.

-Meditate or do some yoga.

-Face mask + chick flick… add some wine too!

-Hit up the gym! Working out doesn’t require a workout buddy… Get in the zone!

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